Hello Maurice.
How can we reduced vehicle traffic and improve visibility on this corner ??
Am hoping you can advise on this. We live on the east end of Greenan Road (#9) and have two kids under 6, there are 3 kids at #7 and 2 more at #12. The property at the bend/corner (#6) has many large tree’s making this a blind corner. Greenan is wide for a residential street and has also been recently repaved………which encourages people to speed. It’s not uncommon for use to hear tires squealing (not an exaggeration)
There neighborhood is in the middle of a refresh with about 20 kids under the age of ten either living on or just off Greenan. (Whiteville Crt) The bicycle, scooter and skateboard traffic will only increase.
Can you suggest a point of contact with the town ??
Best Regards
B. K.
As I read your email there appears to be two issues.
1 – Blind corner. That is a town works department matter. I will come by and have a look. Thereafter I can report it to the works dept. for you.
2 – Speeding vehicles. – The York Region Police have a terrific Road Watch program which allows residents to report such practices.
A number of ways to contact the program;
York Regional Police Traffic Bureau
1-866-876-5423 ext. 7703
Email: traffic@yrp.ca
Or visit; yrp.ca/roadwatch.aspx
Road Watch is a community-based initiative that gives citizens an opportunity to report dangerous drivers. I encourage you to make contact with their system.
Maurice Smith
Councillor Ward 2